October 29, 2008

Some art for school

Yeah. I know that it's been awhile. Forgive me. I've been busy with school and school related activities. ex - AP english... seems like I've been spending allllll of my free time reading lately. Any - thanks for looking, and enjoy!

I Painted a Pumpkin! It has Horton on it and other characters from Horton Hears a Who. The paint was chipping off before I finished though, and when I took it out to my car, it was raining, and it started dripping on me. Joy!

Also, I drew a Strawberry. There were specific instructions, but I learned a bit about colored pencil. (which, since I've done what seems to be hundred of colored pencil drawings may seem shocking... but it isn't. However, now I must know everything possible about colored pencils. haha. Just Kidding) anyway, doesn't it look yummy?

October 04, 2008

This is Grover. He is now a guide dog in Pennsylvania (I think...).

For this one, I used some of the colored pencil techniques I learned recently in Art class. Basically, we did layers - one color at a time, adding them one by one. In the middle, I was certain Grover would end up looking red and blue and purple. Mysteriously, he turned out pretty normal colored. I can't say that he looks that much different than what other drawings I've done where I haven't used that exact technique though...

Also, I wanted a wintry scene, though the picture I used wasn't wintry at all. So I improvised. To be honest, there is a part of me that thinks that maybe I shouldn't have. But I still kind of like how it turned out.

Ok - I won't hold you up reading this forever. But thanks for reading it so far. I sincerely hope that you enjoyed it.

October 01, 2008

In memory of Ike

This is Ike. He spent a solid 11 years working for Erica Stark as a service dog. Today he breathed his last. Keep Erica in your prayers.

The loss of any dog can be difficult. But when you have a service dog, the bond that is shared between the dog and the person is greater than you can imagine. Service dogs do the work of pets, but much more. Not only do they live with this person, but they also go EVERYWHERE with them. They give love and happiness - as well as support and help and independence. Service dogs don't just greet their owner with a cheerful face - they open doors, and pick up remote controls and phones and even dimes with one. They live a life of co-dependence with their owner.

Ike has a successor - in fact, he has been in retirement for the past year. But regardless of how well a job Cooley is able to do (which is amazing), Ike can't be replaced. The bond between Erica and Cooley will continue to grow, but Ike will be missed by them and the others that met him.

Ike lived a full life. 13 1/2 years worth of doing what he was born and raised to do. He was a great dog, and left behind great memories.

Keep Erica in your prayers.